A6 - Sensitive Data Exposure - Insecure Password Storage

The OWASP description - Many web applications do not properly protect sensitive data, such as credit cards, SSNs, and authentication credentials, with appropriate encryption or hashing. Attackers may steal or modify such weakly protected data to conduct identity theft, credit card fraud, or other crimes.

Railsgoat does hash user passwords. Unfortunately, it does so using an extremely weak algorithm (MD5). Generally speaking, a strong algorithm and per-user salt can greatly improve the security of a hashed value. Also important to note, hashing and encryption are not the same. Encryption is meant to be reversible using some secret information, hashing is not, hashing is a one-way function not meant to be reversible.

All that being said, there are groups within security organizations that devote themselves to threat models built around this topic so clearly, this description does not encompass all scenarios. However, our recommendation is better than hashing using MD5 .

Within app/models/user.rb:

	 		   before_save :hash_password
				def self.authenticate(email, password)
			       auth = nil
			       user = find_by_email(email)
			       if user
			         if user.password == Digest::MD5.hexdigest(password)
			           auth = user
			          raise "Incorrect Password!"
			          raise "#{email} doesn't exist!"
			       return auth
				def hash_password
			    	if self.password.present?
			      		self.password = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(password)

Password Storage - ATTACK

Using the passwords stored within db/seeds.rb file, create a wordlist and leverage a password cracking tool such as John The Ripper to crack those passwords.

Password Storage - SOLUTION

A simple solution here would be to enforce a per-user salt in creating a BCrypt hash. You would need to alter the db schema to add a password_salt and password_hash columns to the table.

				def self.authenticate(email, password)
				    user = find_by_email(email)
				    if user and user.password_hash == BCrypt::Engine.hash_secret(password, user.password_salt)
				       "Invalid Credentials Supplied"
				def hash_password
				    if self.password.present?
				      self.password_salt = BCrypt::Engine.generate_salt
				      self.password_hash = BCrypt::Engine.hash_secret(self.password, self.password_salt)
How protected are those passwords in the database against cracking?
A6 - Sensitive Data Exposure - Clear-text storage of SSN(s)

The Railsgoat application stores and transmits Social Security Numbers insecurely.

The Railsgoat application stores user's Social Security Numbers in plain-text within the database and because of this, it fails to adequately protect these numbers from theft. Additionally, the user's full SSN is sent back to the user within an HTTP response from the application.

The WorkInfo model (app/models/work_info.rb) is missing code to encrypt this data prior to storage. Additionally, while code exists to render only the last 4 numbers of an SSN (shown below), at no time is it used.

				  # We should probably use this
				  def last_four
				    "***-**-" << self.decrypt_ssn[-4,4]


There is a lot of guidance on adequately protecting sensitive data at rest and using a layered defensive approach. Make no mistake, this should not be your sole means of securing sensitive data. That being said, there are at least four precautions that should be taken.

  • The sensitive data is encrypted everywhere, including backups
  • Only authorized users can access decrypted copies of the data
  • Use a strong algorithm
  • Strong key is generated, protected from unauthorized access, and key change is planned for.

  • In the following code, we demonstrate switching from the storage of full SSN(s) in clear-text to storing them in the AES-256 encrypted format. The first thing to do is build the encrypt and decrypt functions. These can be found within app/models/work_info.rb.

    				  def encrypt_ssn
    				     aes = OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher.new(cipher_type)
    				     aes.key = key
    				     aes.iv = iv if iv != nil
    				     self.encrypted_ssn = aes.update(self.SSN) + aes.final
    				     self.SSN = nil
    				  def decrypt_ssn
    				     aes = OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher.new(cipher_type)
    				     aes.key = key
    				     aes.iv = iv if iv != nil
    				     aes.update(self.encrypted_ssn) + aes.final
    				  def key
    				    raise "Key Missing" if !(KEY)
    				  def iv
    				    raise "No IV for this User" if !(self.key_management.iv)
    				  def cipher_type

    Also within the WorkInfo model, we add the following line of code...

    			  	 before_save :encrypt_ssn

    The remaining pieces are:

  • We "seed" the database with per-user initialization vectors (IV) and store them within the key_management table
  • Separate production and development encryption keys. Production keys should be stored in an HSM, environment variable, etc. but never within the source code. Development keys are irrelevant if not being used for real data
  • Change the view where SSNs are called and rendered to the user so that the "last_four" method is called instead
  • For new user's who are registering, we create an initialization specific to their account
  • 				 # SEED DATA
    				 work_info.each do |wi|
    				  list = [:user_id, :SSN]
    				  info = WorkInfo.new(wi.reject {|k| list.include?(k)})
    				  info.user_id = wi[:user_id]
    				  info.build_key_management({:user_id => wi[:user_id], :iv => SecureRandom.hex(32) })
    				  info.SSN = wi[:SSN]
    				# SEPARATE PROD AND DEV KEYS (config/initializers/key.rb)
    				if Rails.env.production?
    				  # Specify env variable/location/etc. to retrieve key from
    				elsif Rails.env.development?
    				  KEY = "123456789101112123456789101112123456789101112"
    				# CHANGE VIEW TO CALL LAST FOUR METHOD (app/views/work_info/index.html.erb)
    				<td class="ssn"><%= @user.work_info.last_four %></td>
    			def build_benefits_data
    			   # Uncomment below line to use encrypted SSN(s)
    			   work_info.build_key_management(:iv => SecureRandom.hex(32))
    My SSN seems pretty important, hope it's kept safe!
    A6 - Sensitive Data Exposure - Model Attributes Exposure

    The application's API returns a model object (user or users). Using respond_with, the API returns the full model object. It is simple but exposes information such as the user's password and other user attributes that you may wish to keep invisible.

    Within app/controllers/api/v1/users_controller.rb:

    				 def index
    			       # We removed the .as_json code from the model, just seemed like extra work.
    			       # dunno, maybe useful at a later time?
    			       #respond_with @user.admin ? User.all.as_json : @user.as_json
    			       respond_with @user.admin ? User.all : @user
    			     def show
    			       respond_with @user.as_json

    The as_json method referenced in the comments section of the index action exists within the user model in order to override and safely protect our model from only rendering certain attributes. It is unused (commented out), app/models/user.rb:

    				  # Instead of the entire user object being returned, we can use this to filter.
    				  def as_json
    				    super(only: [:user_id, :email, :first_name, :last_name])

    When utilizing the method that most tutorials describe or advocate when rendering model objects via JSON in an API (unsafe), the response looks like this:

    	HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    	Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    	X-UA-Compatible: IE=Edge
    	ETag: "6b4caf343a20865de174b2b530b945dd"
    	Cache-Control: max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
    	X-Request-Id: c3b0a57861087c0b827aab231747ef0c
    	X-Runtime: 0.051734
    	Connection: close
    	"[email protected]","first_name":"Jack","id":2,"last_name":"Mannino","password":

    Note that all attributes associated with this user are returned via the API.

    Model Attributes Exposure - ATTACK

    Use the API and review the data returned. Additional information on exploiting the API available under the Extras > Logic Flaws Section.

    Model Attributes Exposure - SOLUTION

    Uncomment the as_json method within the user model. Additionally, call .as_json on any User model object you would like to return via the API or other means. Example:

    					respond_with @user.admin ? User.all.as_json : @user.as_json

    Upon uncommenting the as_json method within the User model, the as_json method will ensure the API output only returns those attributes you have allowed in the following code:

    				def as_json
    				  super(only: [:user_id, :email, :first_name, :last_name])

    The response from the API should look like:

    	HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    	Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    	X-UA-Compatible: IE=Edge
    	ETag: "2333488e856669ac637e37cb4cf09cb6"
    	Cache-Control: max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
    	X-Request-Id: baa6a1c90004838793614e4c61633767
    	X-Runtime: 0.092768
    	Connection: close
    	{"email":"[email protected]","first_name":"Jack","last_name":"Mannino","user_id":2}
    We have an API available... what does it return?